COVID 19 guidelines

Update: Vaccinations

We would like to thank all of our members for coming together during these difficult times and we would like to reassure you that the wellbeing of our members is our highest priority. Taking into account the latest round of regulations from the New Zealand government, we have developed our own frameworks to ensure that we follow the law and keep our business and members safe.

Vaccine Pass

On the 29th November the Government announced the traffic light system. Under Level Orange, anyone entering the gym must be double vaccinated. While it is not our position to discriminate against anyone, we are required by law to enforce this. 

All members who wish to access the gym must be double vaccinated.

To access your vaccine pass, please visit the My Covid Record website: 

To streamline this process we can add your Covid passport to our system so you don’t have to present it every time you come in.  

Standard COVID Practises

Maintaining gym hygiene and COVID 19 practises is paramount to keeping our members safe. We are keeping to our standard routines of checking in, social distancing and cleaning our equipment regularly. Thank you for working with us and keep up the good work.

We are fortunate to be able to continue to serve our community by keeping our doors open. Our members community is vital to our success and look forward to being open available as your stress release and workout space.

Ngā mihi nui <3

Stay safe at home and stay safe in our gym

In recognition of the coronaviruses impact on New Zealands changing environment, we must increase our efforts concerning our hygiene practises. We have compiled a number of outcomes to ensure the wellbeing and safety of our members. Here are some of the key improvements we have implemented to keep ahead of the virus spread:

  1. Take control of your own personal Hygiene - Our hand sanitation stations around the gym are available for you to use. Remember to wash and dry your hands thoroughly, wipe down the equipment that you use and avoid touching your face with you hands.

  2. Sanitisation of equipment - we have hired more staff to regularly clean and upkeep our machines and equipment but we need your help to maintain these efforts. We have increased the number of cloths available for the cleaning of gear and ask that you use the disposal situated around the gym for used cloths. Alternatively we have provided paper towels as an alternative to the cleaning cloths.

  3. Feeling unwell? Put your membership on hold - If you are feeling unwell we ask that you stay at home to keep our community thriving. We can offer membership pauses for anyone feeling unwell so that they can rest accordingly and not feel the pressure of paying for your membership while you are away.

  4. Increasing the number of classes - We have reduced the number of people who are able to join our classes but have increased the frequency of these. Check out our class timetable for information on our class times.

Responsible behaviour

A well-functioning health and safety system relies on everyone in the community upholding the values of the space. All of us have a responsibility to follow the rules of the club and to respect the space. If you see anyone flouting the rules, it is important that you speak to our staff who take these matters very seriously.

Feel free to message or call us on 02040069390 or email us in